Hello 👋 ,I'm Adeeb Masri
Studying Working Developing..

Welcome to my website, in this website i introduce myself and you will some of my Project's

About Me

I am an programmer in FiveM and Beginner Website developer, at the time of reading this, i am 18.9 years old.

I have been passionate about programming since middle school and I started developing in FiveM scripts and the passion increased in high school When I started learning C# and building an exam website

Working On


Owner ofBasic Store

in my store i provide website programming services and scripts for FiveM



I finished high school with a grade point average of 110 and my major was physics and computer science. When I get accepted to university, I am thinking of learning software engineering or computer science.

Interesting At

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I first started with Lua and now i have full experience at it, You can say im Senior programmer.

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The Best time that I spend when im working on website I like using HTML , CSS , JS also in Fivem Scripts That needs UI Pages

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I have Experience In C# , Build Simple Computer Programs